
Choose a specialized agency to create a professional website

Finding a good web agency for the creation of a website is a rather complex task. You have to be very careful when choosing a company. In this section, we propose some tips to recognize a good web agency. We…

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How to switch from React to Preact?

Switching from React to Preact has many advantages for web developers. What is React/Preact? What are their strengths? What to do if you want to switch from React to Preact? Your answers are in this article. Learn more about React…

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Get started in e-commerce by creating a free website

In the current world of e-commerce, it is important to know how to choose the methods to be used in order to have an excellent method of contact and sale with its customers. Most of the commercial methods used in…

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The importance of creating SEO optimized websites

Today, the structure of a website plays a big role in its natural referencing. The creation of optimized websites from the beginning of the design is an important factor in SEO. Problems of structure disabling with some CMS In terms…

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How to increase the conversion rate of your e-commerce site?

Online sales have become essential in all areas. It is used by all merchants who have understood the many advantages of this system. However, to succeed in marketing your products online, it is important to know how to convert visitors…

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Website: statistics to follow

Knowing the traffic of your website is to see the number of visits, but not only! This is the first thing that website owners think about. However, this criterion does not teach you how to increase the visits to your…

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7 mistakes to avoid when creating a professional website

A website is a digital business card. For many companies, the website is a fundamental tool to present themselves to the outside world. In order for a website to be convincing for the visitor, certain rules must be respected and…

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10 hidden web pages and important URLs to know

There are 10 of the most important links and URLs to know about on important web pages of the most used sites, which include: Google, Facebook, Spotify, Netflix, etc. Hidden web pages are those that are difficult to reach because…

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Cookies and their importance for web browsers

If you mention cookies, most people expect to see a cookie. When it comes to websites though, cookies don’t show up on the dessert menu or on the google search engine. In fact, they are not even physical objects. Yet…

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How to analyze data from your school’s website?

A tricky issue with school websites is the collection, management and analysis of data. This is because schools tend to focus on the visible product and don’t consider the importance of data at all. With that in mind, let’s take…

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