The importance of creating SEO optimized websites

Today, the structure of a website plays a big role in its natural referencing. The creation of optimized websites from the beginning of the design is an important factor in SEO.

Problems of structure disabling with some CMS

In terms of SEO, web agencies are making more and more effort to take care of their content and SEO optimization in general. However, despite all their good intentions, multiple errors directly related to the development of the website block the natural referencing of the latter. Among the CMS full of errors, we have WordPress. To realize this, just right click on a homepage and start by checking the markup. For the majority, it's a disaster. Title in H1, H1 by 10, huge script slowing down considerably the loading of pages etc.. Enough to make Google and other search engines lose their heads.

The basic rules when creating a website

Because a website developer is not an SEO expert, we will go back to the basics. First of all, no matter what anyone tells you, there should only be one h1 per page and all different and never in the title. Always an H2 tag after, basically, respect the hierarchy. The images composing the graphic charter must be compressed and your scripts and css style must be lightened to the maximum. The goal is to have pages that load in about 6 seconds. An example of structures optimized by Celine-SEO which carries out the creation of Internet sites in Nice:

My WordPress site has a fake markup that is hurting my SEO

On the WordPress predefined Template, in 98% of the cases, the markup is wrong. Unless you have an H1 in the title, no need to change your theme. You have two solutions: the first is to leave the SEO damaging tags empty. The second and undoubtedly the best, is to rebuild a page with for example the plugin elementor. The latter will allow you to develop a homepage worthy of the name with a graphic and design adapted to the tastes of the moment.

Why do web agencies make mistakes when creating their website?

One would be entitled to wonder why professionals in the creation of websites make such mistakes in design. Well, it's quite simple and the answer will discriminate them in part. Web agencies call on developers who are not experts in SEO. This explains a certain ignorance, the design taking precedence over the rest, and do not have the reflexes that an SEO can have in the checks.
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