Social Networks

SEO and social networks: Know how to diversify and balance your traffic

Google’s natural referencing techniques do not seem to be the only option to consider in order to better rank your website. The emergence of social networks affects the optimization of a traffic on search engines. Several hundred million people use…

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Social networks: an indirect impact on SEO?

Nowadays, the Internet is an unavoidable subject in everyday life. It is an integral part of social life. This is the birth of social networks. In everyday life, social networks are used both in the particular life of each person…

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Does Google take social signals into account?

The web agency is primarily an agency of creation or development of website. These agencies have developed into communication agencies. Their jobs have become special and complex and fall within the framework of communication. The web sector has become professional….

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How to find an effective SEO consultant?

Natural referencing has become an essential component of a digital communication strategy. It allows for example a website to better position itself in terms of visibility on search engines. This is why it is important to rely on the skills…

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Create your own fan page on Facebook

For a long time now, Facebook has offered the possibility to integrate individual content pages on a Facebook fan page by creating a Facebook application in the Facebook developer area. To integrate such a page, you need at least basic…

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How to delete your Snapchat account without losing your data?

The developers of instant messaging service Snapchat were recently accused of data abuse after several cases of privacy violations came to light. These incidents mainly involved spying on users by the service’s employees. Not very good news, is it? And…

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How to sell with Facebook Marketplace and find customers?

Usually, it is said that social networks are not used to sell directly but to generate relationships: connections between people are surely the soul and value of social media. As well as a good management of Facebook pages and a…

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Facebook and privacy settings: how to integrate them well?

After explaining the first steps after registering on the platform in the first part of this series of articles on Facebook, we will now move on to the privacy settings. How do you change your privacy settings? Facebook privacy settings…

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What is “Dark Social”?

Social media has brought unprecedented openness in recent years. Personal information has suddenly been shared with the whole world. Those who do not value a decided attitude towards privacy, are content to make their contributions, photos, videos … public until…

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How to make money with Instagram?

You’ve heard about Instagrammers who make money from the photos they take and share every day. And probably, looking at the large number of followers on your profile, you also wondered: how to make money with Instagram? Instagrammers: like bloggers,…

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