Tips for using social networks

Have you ever wondered how much self-confidence depends on "likes" in social networks these days? In the beginning, social networks were meant to be a communication tool for families and friends who are separated by distance. Unfortunately, the result can be quite the opposite. It is true that the Internet cannot replace face-to-face conversations, but today, there is a much greater emphasis on the attention one receives online. We want others to appreciate our contributions and share them. Here are some tips on how to use social networks well.

What problems do social networks create?

Social media solve many problems, but at the same time, they create new ones. It turns out that one in ten social media users are online to impress their friends, acquaintances or even strangers. Sometimes they pretend to be in a place or pretend to do something. In addition, many social media users ignore ethical standards in order to be more popular. For example, they are willing to post a picture of their friend in an embarrassing situation just for a few likes. It is interesting to note that in the hunt for likes, men are willing to go further than women. In addition to posting embarrassing photos of their friends, men are even willing to post their own embarrassing photos. Men are also more likely to be disappointed when their post is less liked than expected, or when someone they care about doesn't have a "Like" on their post.

How does the hunt for "Likes" influence our daily lives?

We live in an ever-changing world especially on the technology side. We have the ability to contact our friends, family and colleagues when we can't see them in person. Nowadays, we prefer to communicate with our loved ones via social media rather than face to face, even if they are our parents, our children, our friends or even our partners. Moreover, the hunt for "Jaime" has an impact on our family life. For example, there are children who suffer after discovering their parents in embarrassing situations on social media. As mentioned before, people are willing to post embarrassing messages to get more "likes", so it's a vicious circle! Parents seem to turn a blind eye: very few admit to being bothered by their children's online behavior. On the other hand, others admit to suffering from their partner's inappropriate posts.

Tips for using social networks better

Most people don't assume that social networking is detrimental to the quality of their relationships; on the contrary, the internet makes them feel closer to their family. This may be true. At the same time, Dr. Astrid Carolus, a media psychologist at the University of Würzburg, warns that people cannot objectively evaluate their online communication. That's why she advises you to think about one thing: think about when you last visited your friends and relatives. If it was several weeks ago, it may be high time to visit them. Stop by, bring a piece of cake and tell them how much you miss them. That's all. You should also think about how important social media is to you. Would you want to starve yourself to get more "likes"? Do you check your Facebook account several times a day to see if there are any new reactions? Answer these questions and you will see if you are a "Likeaholic" or not. Many people feel uncomfortable or get angry when friends post pictures of them that they never meant to post. So here's our third piece of advice: always think twice before you post anything. You don't know if this post will attract criminals or if another post will hurt a friend.
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