Integrate social networks into your SEO strategy

The search for success on the web also goes through social networks: today more than ever, it is indeed very important to integrate the technical aspects of search engine optimization with the varied world of social networks.

Can the integration between SEO and social networks really make your business grow?

Let's break the myth right away, social networks do not directly influence search engines, in fact, all links coming from these sources have, in their HTML code, an "invisible" attribute called . According to Google, all links with this attribute have no weight for the positioning of a web page. From the SEO point of view, this attribute does not influence the positioning of a site. It is true that the link building activity remains fundamental, the links that give weight in terms of organic positioning must come from authoritative sites, vertical or thematic blogs, the content must necessarily be of quality and although Google has never revealed its "secret formula", the 66 and the factors that actively influence the positioning of web pages depend strictly on the quality and quantity of links they receive. But today, we can't neglect the importance that Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin have taken in marketing strategies, just think, for example, about the vertiginous increase of the quality of fan pages: the last updates published by Facebook have made them real websites!

The interaction between the two worlds

On the Google search engine, there is an immediate need, those who surf the web are informed, search and buy. On the other hand, on socials, a latent need dominates, they are looking for consensus and interaction; it becomes important to pay attention to the degree of sharing of users: from the number of likes to the comments, nothing should be left to chance. Moreover, you should not underestimate the fact that links from social networks promote the creation of new links, increase brand awareness, create engagement and increase domain authorization. This is certainly one of the keys to generating value to your content, improving lead generation and consequently the possibility of conversions.

How to design an effective SEO strategy on social networks?

It is of course important to choose a strategy based on the objectives you want to pursue and the potential customers you want to reach. To improve it, we have some suggestions: The importance of local SEO with Google My Business. Google My Business tabs allow you to create a free business tab, allowing those who search for it to locate it immediately on Google and Google Maps: business hours, phone number and directions. Optimize your map following the local referencing criteria: write an original description, add categories, show all the photos of your business and a profile photo, list your address always in the same way following the NAP criteria and do not forget the opening/closing hours. The NAP or PAN stands for Name, Address, Phone and imposes a basic consistency in the publication of information, and the data must be published everywhere in the same way.

Youth and Brand Awareness

As with images, videos are also part of a careful strategy: optimizing elements such as the title, description and file name in the SEO key is really important. An inviting call to action and the double inclusion of the keyword in the title will greatly facilitate the positioning of the key in Google. Consistent video publishing could also positively increase your brand awareness. Don't forget that videos and images are the first step towards conversion due to the fact that they are easily clickable, and can be the key to finding them more easily in the SERPs and for more queries. Influencers are the people who, more than any other, could give the decisive push to finalize the conversion. Who is best placed to influence the opinion of potential customers? Individuals, follow their blogs and contact them. Guest Posting is still considered one of the best link building techniques and is the activity of finding authoritative sources (blogs, magazines, local news outlets) willing to publish previously written content in exchange for a link to our site. The involvement of influencers, from an SEO point of view, can be really valuable and it is advisable to take advantage of guest posting to add value to your content while still taking into account what you want to offer them in exchange for links to your site.
SEO and social networks: Know how to diversify and balance your traffic
Social networks: an indirect impact on SEO?

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