Think WP, the documentary to discover WordPress in 30 minutes

In order to promote the WordPress CMS to everyone, Déborah DONNIER had the idea of making a documentary of about 30 minutes. This video, entitled Think WP WordPress, aims to discover and promote this CMS. Let's discover in this article the reasons why it is necessary to watch this documentary to have a better impression of WordPress.

Everything you need to know about WordPress

WordPress is first of all a content management system (CMS). It is a tool that allows you to create and manage websites. It is one of the most popular and most used CMS. What makes its strength is that it is free and it is also an open source CMS. Its goal is to give everyone the opportunity to experience the creation of a website. Therefore, it is accessible to everyone not only from a technical point of view, but also financially. You don't have to be an experienced developer to create a website with WordPress. But despite this ease of access and use, WordPress remains a reliable and robust CMS.

WordPress and its community

WordPress also has an international community and it is this community that is currently the strength of this CMS. Indeed, through this community, the actors have the possibility to exchange experiences. This allows everyone to find help quickly in cases of blockage related to WordPress. In addition, this community opens the door to everyone for the improvement of WordPress. Hence, collaborative development among the members of this community. Apart from that, the members make several tutorials to promote this CMS. Conferences are organized to develop WordPress. These conferences are always a great success, because they gather thousands of people from all over the world. These are the Wordcamp that the one realized in Paris in 2017 welcomed more than 3000 people.

Think WordPress to discover this CMS and its community in 30 minutes

Think WP WordPress is a documentary whose main objective is to promote the WordPress community. The original idea to create this film comes from Déborah DONNIER. She implemented this project with Émilie LEBRUN and Étienne BRAULT. Déborah had the idea to create this video following bad experiences with clients because of the image they had of WordPress. Indeed, WordPress has long been considered as a simple tool to create and manage a blog. Questions about security have accentuated the bad impression of WordPress among people. The idea was then born from this need to give the right image that WordPress should have. In this video, she interviewed several members of the WordPress community to prove that it is one of the most used CMS in the world and some large French companies use its service to ensure their visibility on the internet. The main objective of this video is to show everyone through interviews and testimonials that it is a reliable solution. It should be noted that the realization of this documentary is without financial goal, but focuses only on the valorization of WordPress and its community. Its realization was financed only by donations and sponsors. It took them 2 years to make WordPress and its community known and valued in 30 minutes.

Why you should definitely watch and share the Think WP video

Various questions were asked of these members of the WordPress community. The answers to these questions and the many testimonials will help you understand the importance of WordPress and its community. As a result, you will inevitably have the answers to your questions about WordPress. In this video, you will first learn why you should choose WordPress over another CMS. You will also see what professionals feel about WordPress and what its greatest value is. This video will show you the various users of this CM. You will also discover the assets that make this CMS the most used by professionals. The interviewees tell you about their experiences during the many years of using WordPress. Not all of them were qualified people at the beginning, but they were able to take advantage of this tool and this community to develop their business. As said before, the objective of this initiative is mainly to promote WordPress through interviews. This way, you will surely get a better impression of WordPress and its community.
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