Search engine optimization in 4 steps

The broad field of search engine optimization consists of the optimization and offpage of your website. On-page optimization refers to all optimization methods that you can apply directly on your own website and that cannot be influenced from the outside. With the right parameters, a good on-page optimization can help you to progress in the search engine rankings. Here are the most important steps and rules that you must follow to optimize your website to have good natural referencing.

Insert the domain name (Internet address) and title tag

A successful optimization of a page starts with the domain name of the website, because if the decisive keyword is included here, this factor is highly rated by Google. This keyword should then appear later in the title of the website, in the meta tags and in the text of the individual HTML pages. Therefore, as a business, you should really ask yourself if the business name is in the field, which almost no one is looking for, or if you should choose a keyword that will help you find your offer better in the search engines. Regarding the title tag, you can see the title of a web page at the top of the browser. And for search results listed in Google or any other search engine, the title is the blue underlined text with which a search result starts and therefore immediately attracts your attention. In this metatag, you should place the most important keywords - two to three - and put the central keyword first. Often, the title of the home or index pages of websites says "Welcome to the website of ...". It is better not to use such an empty phrase and to include your company name (if known) or - better yet - a keyword to have a positive influence on search engines.

Setting up Meta-Tag keywords

Even though keywords have not had the same meaning lately as they did in the past, you need to make sure that you are using keywords that match your web presence. Finding the right keywords for your website is not as easy as it sounds and you need to limit yourself to a few essential terms. The best way is to test your keywords in an appropriate tool, such as the Google Keyword Tool, to see if these words are really searched. Also think about related terms, and when defining your keywords, consider singular and plural forms, case (genitive is not recommended) and spelling. Since the spelling reform, different spellings for some words still haunt the net, which you should include. Meaningful file names have a significant influence on your website's ranking. That is why you should give the different pages names that contain the decisive keyword, for example internet-marketing.htm instead of offer1.htm.

Put the structure, the internal links of your website and the headings h1 to h6

To facilitate the reading and indexing of your pages by search engines, you should not nest your site too much in the structure. This means that you should not go too far in the sub-levels/directories. In general, two or at most three subdirectories are still acceptable. Here is an example of too many subdirectories:; it would be better: seo-mit-google-adwords.htm. Small Internet presences of 10 to 15 pages should avoid nesting - if possible. It is also recommended to link the pages together in a well thought-out way, because this way the search engine robots can follow the links, which leads to the inclusion of the linked pages in the search engines. For the h1 to h6 headings, for the structure of your content texts, really use HTML formatting for the titles. First of all, avoid bloating the HTML code if you simply use a headline format that already contains this information, e.g. "bold, larger font in blue", by using CSS settings instead of manually adding the above mentioned properties to the headline. And secondly, search engines recognize headlines as being rated higher than normal font formatting.

Establish a website text, images and alt tag

The content, i.e. the actual text of a website, is the most important instrument of search engine optimization. You must define the most important keywords there and, of course, in the right measure. Because if you use a word too often, it can be considered as spam and all the optimization work will turn against you. This is why it is important to implement good techniques to ensure the optimization of your web page. As an indication, the main keyword should appear seven to eight times in a text of 100 words. The recommendations mentioned in point 3 concerning the spelling, case and gender of keywords should also be taken into account here. The distribution of these keywords ensures that the content is well arranged. Thus, it is necessary to put relevant keywords to attract the attention of the target audiences to visit the websites. The more visitors there are, the more the site can achieve its top ranking in search engines. Regarding images and alt tag, give your images and graphics meaningful file names and use the often overlooked alt tag. Because it can also transmit important information (keywords!!) to search engines. SEO is one of the best communication strategies to ensure the visibility of a professional website.
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