Google and its seo strategies

It is no secret that more and more Internet users (especially in the USA) are noticing the graphical evolution of Google's SERPs (results page). An example one hour ago on a classic search: the term "aquarium". Here is the result: A quick analysis : The 3 Adwords ads on yellow background at the top of the page, after the search field Google Map on the right, with 7 results Below the adwords, the details of the 7 Map results (from A to G) Below, a small link to the Google+ pages On the right, under the Map frame, 6 pictures of ads pointing to different links ( it's not a block by itself ), ads probably coming from Google Shopping . Below, 8 Adwords ads. If we add to that the block "Products corresponding to aquarium" and the one "Images corresponding to aquarium", I assure you that there is almost nothing left on the first page for the natural results. Conclusion: No natural link visible without scrolling. For the moment, this only affects a few requests in France, but in a few months it is more than likely that the phenomenon will spread...
How to set up your Google Analytics account?
Practical tools for tracking Google rankings

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