Five tips for better local SEO in 2020

Local SEO is a crucial area for small businesses. To become more visible on this scale, it is essential to know the important elements of local SEO in 2020. The digital marketing agency Orixa Media offers here several methods that can be easily implemented in order to optimize your web marketing strategy in this regard.

Listing in online directories

On Google, 8 queries out of 10 formulated by Internet users are related to local searches. Gaining visibility on this scale offers major opportunities to increase traffic on your site, and therefore your sales. For shops and small businesses, this increased visibility requires an optimized referencing on the main existing directories, with a strong reputation. It is therefore advantageous to be present on online directories such as Yellow Pages, Yelp or TripAdvisor. This will significantly improve your local visibility. Similarly, local listings should be used. To get real results, remember to provide accurate and identical contact information for each directory. Be careful, however, not to overdo it, registering on a hundred local directories can have the opposite effect than the one you want. Always give priority to quality over quantity.

Choosing titles and meta descriptions

During any online search, the title and description tags appear first in the results provided to Internet users. It is therefore essential to pay particular attention to these elements for your web pages. TITLE tags and meta descriptions must follow strict criteria for more efficiency. It is recommended to limit titles to 50 to 60 characters including spaces. A meta description can be between 60 and 200 characters including spaces. The city or the catchment area where you want to be visible must be included. A punchy tagline reflecting the real content of the pages should also be included.

Structured data markup

Local SEO includes a significant technical part. For better results in search engines, a structured data markup is recommended for your different pages. This is called "micro data". On the Internet, only a third of sites use this markup. By adopting it for your website, you will be able to stand out from your competitors on a local scale. Structured data markup is taken into account by the Google algorithm for natural referencing. A structured data tagging tool is offered by Google.

Creating your establishment profile

Many Internet users now use Google Map to find their way locally. Including your business in Google Map is a great help to improve your local referencing. This service has the advantage of being totally free for professionals. All you have to do is to fill in your business profile on Google My Business. Information presenting your company will be indicated. Practical and effective, this formality is essential to promote your local SEO in 2020. By appearing in the local results of Google, your business will benefit from increased visibility and organic traffic.

The importance of customer reviews

Reviews and comments left online do a lot for a business' reputation. More than 7 out of 10 customers are inclined to share their opinion on the Internet. In order to gain credibility, it is possible to have your reviews certified through a company such as Truspilot or Ekomi. On Google My Business, check regularly the reviews that are posted there. Whatever the nature of the reviews, it is important to give a response to Internet users to strengthen the link with customers. These different tips give you an overview of the techniques to mobilize to show a better local SEO in 2020. If you lack knowledge in the matter, it is interesting to contact a digital marketing agency such as Orixa Media. This one will propose you many powerful services for an optimized local referencing, whether it is about paid referencing (SEA) or natural referencing (SEO).
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