The impact of website design on brand identity or how to improve brand promotion through design choices

The creation of professional websites goes hand in hand with the attention paid to the graphic care of the presentation of the brand which are: the website, the brochure, the logo and the images for social networks. These are manifestations of the company's identity, so they must be studied to convey a unique idea of the company's qualities. From a navigational standpoint, the focus on mobile-friendly website design to drive user conversions, but more generally design for branding extends to countless elements.

What are the roles of branding?

The graphic connotations of the brand actually act as a unifying element with the task of making the company's presence consistent and easily recognizable across all platforms where it is present. The brand image should be comprehensive and unique, evoke at first sight a specific business reality (a logo composed of a certain shape in a specific color should be enough to make you think of a famous company), combine creativity and familiarity to give a reliable and authoritative brand idea. Not satisfied with the design of your website? Contact professionals to give you satisfaction and enhance your image.

How to define design choices according to the brand identity?

The design applied to the identity of the brand must be based on several elements. First, an experienced web designer will create images with visual impact, a guide to decisions on how to create a corporate logo and aesthetic choices in a synchronized manner to effectively convey the corporate image to the public. Large companies or structured companies, which use a real brand manual, assume that the impact of website design is very important. A document, the graphic charter, which includes the guidelines that the communication staff must follow in order to transmit the graphic aspects of the company in a compliant manner on the various media. In the case of large companies, it can be dozens of files and dozens of pages, many are the media on which they can be represented.

What are the design elements that guide brand identity?

The design elements that the brand must adhere to include various aspects: - the color palette that must be associated with any form of brand representation (think about image backgrounds that should not clash with raised images). - the quality of printing and digital to mediate between the weight of the formats and the quality to be achieved (think of the logos of the brochures that should not be disfigured at all) - The font to be used in both print and display versions. For example, you can aim for a sans serif (stick) for digital aspects and a serif (graciated) for paper, but obviously each choice depends on the company and the target in question. - the images to be used in the site where the brand guide can concern the source of the images to be used, the resolution, the subjects represented, and the size they must respect. - the graphic elements that form the basis of the more complex images such as textures, icons, flat and three-dimensional shapes. The design expert mixes the visual elements to propose logos in the most appropriate size according to the media they are intended for, manages to place the graphics in such a way as to accompany the texts and not overwhelm them, and is in charge of analyzing the competitors in order to draw ideas that can improve the result to be provided to the client. The style of photographs to be used on the website varies depending on the type of audience and the type of corporate vision you want to convey.
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