The 8 best free SEO tools for startups

Knowing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) allows you to gain visibility on search engine results with relevant keywords. More specifically, it helps you succeed as an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, not all businesses can afford paid SEO tools, so much so that startups and early stage businesses often look for free SEO tools. In fact, SEO tools allow you to check user searches and their volume on the internet. Thus, they allow you to determine the demand for certain products and services. In addition, SEO tools reveal the most demanded content, which helps to establish a good empathy with the audience through writing. Without a doubt, search engines (which SEO tools analyze) are a window into the needs, questions, concerns and curiosity of the audience. But, unfortunately, many of the best SEO tools available on the market (such as SEMrush and Ahrefs) cost around $100 per month. This is a problem for young companies and startups facing a tight budget. That's why we've compiled a list of useful free SEO tools that can be used for everything from keyword research to inbound link analysis. Are you starting SEO now? Then check out a guide to SEO for eCommerce.

Keywords Everywhere: always show keyword search volume

To start, let's talk about one of the free SEO tools that makes many of the other tools on this list more effective: it's the Keywords Everywhere Chrome extension. As of now, the extension is not specifically optimized for Italian and the data is only available for certain keywords. Hopefully, it will soon be available for Italians as well. In fact, it is particularly useful, especially now that Google is restricting access to its keyword planning tool. First of all, this SEO tool shows the Keyword Planner data under your searches on Google, Amazon and YouTube. In addition, it also makes visible the Keyword Planner data on Answer the Public, Soovle and the other tools of this list. In short, Keywords Everywhere makes each of your searches more in-depth, with basic statistics on monthly searches, cost per click and competition. It's the fastest way to answer the question, "How many people are searching for this keyword?" So it's a very useful extension, both for researching new keywords and satisfying your curiosity.

Ubersuggest: to find new long-tail keywords

When you start typing a keyword in the Google search field, the page suggestions that appear to complete the query are very helpful. While this auto-complete feature helps you brainstorm, identifying searches related to the target keyword, it's also true that Google only provides a few suggestions at a time. That's where Ubersugges comes in, an SEO tool that provides a long list of possible keyword ideas, all based on the main keyword you entered. With Ubersuggest, you can come up with ideas for new products, marketing, blog posts and more.

MozBar: To discover metrics links on search results

With MozBar (a Chrome extension you can use by creating a free Moz account), Moz offers several free SEO tools. Let's note one feature of MozBar in particular: it's Link Metrics. With Link Metrics, it is possible to evaluate the competitiveness of placement among search results for a given keyword, based on parameters such as page and domain authority, and the number of links pointing to the page. This tool can help you decide which keywords to point to, based on the level of difficulty and the number of quality backlinks required for placement. In addition, MozBar offers other tools to properly analyze the SEO of a page and evaluate the usefulness of a backlink from a given page.

Soovle : to get keyword suggestions from other search engines

Soovle, like Ubersuggest, offers keyword ideas through auto-suggestions. But unlike Ubersuggest, instead of generating a simple list from Google data, it also pulls suggestions from Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, YouTube,, etc. Each platform, as you can imagine, can provide different information. On, for example, you may have a list of common questions people ask about your main keyword, YouTube's suggestions are more about what the audience wants to see on the topic at hand (like decoding videos or reviews). Thick, these suggestions are a source of inspiration for less competitive long-tail keywords to bet on.
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