Email marketing for bloggers: gaining more readers with a newsletter

With a newsletter sent regularly, you can promote or draw attention to interesting articles on your blog and you can learn about upcoming events or introduce new products, including your own if you offer Ebooks, video courses or other things for your blog readers. However, email marketing has a certain cost and it is not so easy to get new newsletter subscribers, because many bloggers, stores and other websites offer newsletters on the internet, in which they want to inform their readers or potential customers again and again about articles to read, company news and product offers and increase their sales. This article will give you a good introduction to your email marketing.

What content should be included in a newsletter?

A newsletter is sent to the mailing list at regular intervals, once a week or even just once a month. If you offer such exclusive content, you should provide this information on the newsletter sign-up form to further entice blog visitors to sign up.

Create a suitable newsletter gift?

In order to make the mailing list grow further and further, you need to offer your blog visitors something tempting to make them sign up for the mailing list. The mere existence of a newsletter subscription form does not trigger a wave of subscriptions, as there are countless newsletters on the Internet. You need to offer added value to get a visitor's email address. To do this, write a small ebook especially for the newsletter, which solves a problem of many users and fits thematically to your blog or better yet, offer a small series of emails. For a paid blog. for example, you can suggest: "how to find a suitable topic for a niche site?". For a gardener's blog: "how to make orchids bloom again and again?". There are many ideas here. A series of emails as a newsletter giveaway leads to recipients being more willing to read the regular newsletters sent afterwards. If you offer an e-book to download as a newsletter gift, many people only want the book and are not interested in the newsletter itself.


The newsletter giveaway is the beginning of the newsletter adventure because from now on you should also send out regular newsletters. It is advisable to wait until the mailing list has at least 30-50 recipients, as it is not really interesting if only two recipients send a newsletter. It is also important to become familiar with the chosen newsletter system before sending out regular newsletters. If you are familiar with its tools, creating newsletters is easy.

Frequency of sending

Once you have decided to send a newsletter to your subscribers, the first question is how often and when, i.e. what day of the week you should send it. Once a week is a recommended frequency because you may be under constant pressure and need to quickly gather new content worth reading during the week. This may be too much for some bloggers. On the other hand, if you only send once a month, recipients may barely remember their newsletter subscription and not open it. Here you should find a good intermediate course, which is not easy. If you offer really useful content through a newsletter, then a frequency of two weeks is a good compromise. You can and should constantly monitor the newsletter open rate and you should test and select other days of the week to send, then check if the open rate has increased.

Personalize the newsletter

Email marketing providers offer their clients many places to create newsletters, including one for the recipient's name. If the recipient signed up with his or her first name when subscribing to the newsletter, he or she will also find his or her first name in the greeting of a personalized newsletter, for example in this greeting "Hello Thomas." This form of personal address makes many people read the mail, because they feel personally addressed. In the same way, a personal greeting can also be inserted in the subject line of the newsletter. This increases the open rate in any case.

Content of the newsletter

The subject of the newsletter is important for its opening. It should be worded in an exciting way, so that the recipients are eager to know the content. If you write "Newsletter No. 20 / 2020" as the subject instead, it doesn't sound very tempting and is hardly animated to read. Newsletters often contain references to the latest blog posts from the past few weeks. If you only use secondary uses of your blog posts in your newsletters, you shouldn't be surprised if some people unsubscribe from the mailing list again. A healthy mix does the trick, i.e. write interesting news for your target group first, then add a couple of links to the most popular blog posts of the last few days.

Active writing style

Actively formulate, that is, write the most important statements in a sentence at the beginning and try to write fairly short sentences. Because it's no fun to nestle long sentences into a newsletter. After all, you want to get up to speed quickly and without too much brain-teasing or being entertained. Also, avoid passive phrasing.

No advertising?

Should you put advertising in a newsletter? For example, an affiliate link or paid advertisement from an advertiser? This is where the mix starts again. Over time, you can put an advertising link in your newsletter, but you don't want to overdo it. If you have created your own products, such as an e-book or video course, and you want to sell them, you can of course also feature these products in your newsletter, because after all, the purpose of email marketing is to generate sales among the recipients. The best thing to do is to take a closer look at the structure of the good newsletters you receive yourself and use their strengths for your own newsletter.
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